Company Overview


The initiative of OBAB Trading L.L.C. in giving comprehensive solution towards conservation of water is in line with the Sultan Qaboos directives on facing the current environmental challenges aimed at transforming Sultanate of Oman to a hygienic and sustainable city adhering to all environment friendly standards, which will make it capable of providing safe and secure life for its residents.

The aim of the business is to reduce the water consumption of different infrastructure with the installation of water saving devices in the taps, showers, shattafs, and toilet, tanks using quality services and recommended products.

The efforts are geared towards spreading awareness on the need to reduce consumption, in the process benefit from the resultant savings.

Savings benefits are reflected in the cost of water supply and to the infrastructure management with the reduction of operational costs of sewage reclamation and treatment.

Our Mission

  • With our advanced methods and best use of the water saving technology, we aim to be one of the best companies that provide optimal solutions for the conservation of water. We emphasize on the wanted amount of water needed rather than on the unwanted amount that is being consumed but not delivering its benefits

Our Business Policy

  • Thoroughly be customer-oriented, pursue customer satisfaction through our ability to propose solutions and quality improvements by providing well experienced auditors and installers of the water saving devices.

Installation Methodology

Before any installation on site, an audit is done to check the water flow and the kind of fittings that each infrastructure has, so as to ascertain the correct water saving device that are to be installed.
From this audit, we will submit the report assessing the estimated savings potential.

1. Type of site: Different sites need different water consumption i.e. the common toilet tap in the hotel have its consumption reduced by 50% but the room bathroom reduction is limited to 20%
2. The product range: The product range is the same product but has different colour coded devices which give different savings (Different flow rates). As an example for taps the aerator may work in the first floor but not in the third where another colour code is needed of the same aerator, because of different flow conditions, to give the same water flow as the previous toilet. It is advisable to purchase not just one colour code to work in all taps, likewise determination of the product range requirement is determined only during the audit.
3. Client preference on reduction: Client representatives are present during the audit and to avoid repetition of the work they are exposed to different flow rates and flow types from which they only choose their preference.
4. Initial water flow, pressure and plumbing: No two toilets / bathrooms have the same initial flow and pressure so a comprehensive range of products is essential.
5. Installed fittings: Some installed fittings already give the correct flow and do not need modification. This is determined during the audit. Likewise faulty fittings could affect the consumption.

Contact OBAB Trading LLC Environmental Solutions to know how you can save water and money.
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